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Applications & Contact

Congratulations on the courage to accept the challenge and venture on an unforgettable adventure that B-HARD definitely is!

Please note that the registrations are currently open for B-RACE, B-PAIR, B-1200 and B-600 and that the EARLY REPTILE discounted rate of 179€ (net amount, without processing fees) is valid until further notice.

In order to confirm your registration, it needs to be followed up with payment (usually card payment for international participants) and that the payments are strictly non-refundable but with possibility to defer the payment as a credit towards the next edition of B-HARD by 13th of March, 2025. Full disclaimer will be available on the payment page, that you will receive upon our review of your application for the event.

Also, please note that the nominal noted distance of 1215 km may vary with planned or unforeseen modifications of the route, as well as the exact position of the start, therefore it is expected to be between 1200 and 1230 km. Also, nominal elevation of 16500 m will greatly vary from one GPS to another, as well as due to significant changes in atmospheric pressure, other external factors and changes to the route.

Reason for contact:
A good quality vertical cycling profile picture:

Preferred T-shirt size:
Free physical local SIM card required:
I plan to travel by:

I confirm that I have read and agree with the disclaimer on this page